Document Repository (SaaS)
During my internship, I had the valuable opportunity to solo develop a cloud-native document repository solution. This SaaS platform aimed to simplify research processes, offering features like:
- Secure Storage and Indexing: Researchers can confidently store documents and leverage intelligent indexing for future use.
- Enhanced Search: The platform provides powerful search capabilities within the document repository.
AWS Architecture:
- Networking: VPC, Route 53
- Storage: S3, DynamoDB
- Queue: SQS
- Email: SES
- Search and Indexing: OpenSearch
- Serverless: Lambda
- Text Extraction: Textract
- Distribution: Cloudfront
- Authentication: Cognito
This project marked my first real-world, cloud-centric development experience, really piled up my understanding of AWS services and integration while learning SaaS design principles.