BetaLight theme is in beta. Some UI element may not be optimized.


[email protected]:~$ cd /projects/portfolio-v2
[email protected]:~$ echo "What you see now is what the project are :D" > page.mdx
[email protected]:~$ cat page.mdx
[email protected]:~$ base64 -d <<< "PGgyIGFsaWduPSJjZW50ZXIiPkhlcmUncyB3aGF0IEkgZGlkPC9oMj4KCi0gSW5pdGlhbGxpemUgZ2l0IGFuZCBwdXNoIHRvIHByaXZhdGUgKipHaXRIdWIqKiByZXBvLgotIERldmVsb3AgdXNpbmcgKipSZWFjdCoqIGFuZCAqKlRhaWx3aW5kIENTUyoqLgotIENyZWF0ZSBHaXRIdWIgcHVibGljIHJlcG8gZm9yIEdpdEh1YiBwYWdlLgotIENyZWF0ZSBiYXNpYyBDSS9DRCBwaXBlbGluZSB1c2luZyBHaXRIdWIgYWN0aW9uIGluIHByaXZhdGUgcmVwby4KLSBQb2ludCB0aGUgZG9tYWluIHRvIHRoZSBwdWJsaWMgcmVwbyBhcyBDTkFNRSB1c2luZyAqKkNsb3VkZmxhcmUqKgotIEV4ZWN1dGUgcGlwZWxpbmUgb24gY29tbWl0LiAqKk5leHQuanMqKiB3aWxsIGJ1aWxkIFNTRyBhbmQgR2l0SHViIGFjdGlvbiB3aWxsIHB1c2ggdGhlIFNTRyB0byB0aGUgcHVibGljIHJlcG8u"

What you see now is what the project are :D

Here's what I did

  • Initiallize git and push to private GitHub repo.
  • Develop using React and Tailwind CSS.
  • Create GitHub public repo for GitHub page.
  • Create basic CI/CD pipeline using GitHub action in private repo.
  • Point the domain to the public repo as CNAME using Cloudflare
  • Execute pipeline on commit. Next.js will build SSG and GitHub action will push the SSG to the public repo.