BetaLight theme is in beta. Some UI element may not be optimized.

Automate Installation in Windows

This script is intended for automating GUI .exe and .msi installation. A useful tool to setup fresh Windows with offline installers. It will iterate all installers in a folder to run one after another.

Pre-requisite: put all the .exe and .msi installers in a folder.

  1. Copy this script.
@echo off

for %%i in (*.msi *.exe) do (
    pause "Press Enter to start the installation: %%i"
    start /wait %%i

echo Installations Complete!
  1. Paste into notepad and save as Install.bat.
  2. Copy the script into the folder of all of your installers.
  3. Run the script to make installation.

Important note: This is a semi-auto approach because of GUI nature that needs user interaction to complete installation. I personally used this script just to make sure I don't skip any of the installer.